Monday, 13 December 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Sunday, 21 November 2010

Busy, busy, busy, but had some spare time today to write another poem :D
Lust is like a sexual desire
When there’s that one person you admire
That specific admiration in a sinful way
Could lead to that word we call foreplay
Where sexual acts like kissing occur
Feeling like your hearts been put in a blender
Where ones emotions and love are conjoined together
Then crushed, crumbled like a falling empire
Lust like this can cause enmity
Between people that have interacted with their body
In this case meaning premature experience
What is needed, is guidance
Guidance into that right path
So Diablo doesn’t get the last laugh
Odabo ;)
Saturday, 30 October 2010

Forgiveness erases all that abhorrence in your heart
All that resentment initially pierced it like a dart
The conflagrate feeling rushing through your body
Stopping you from crossing the boundary
The boundary that separates love and hate
Could lead to the determination of your fate
Keeping hatred in your heart can leave you constrained
Feeling tied up, held down by chains
Break free from the gate that his holding you down
Don’t be stuck like someone who will drown
Always remember that God forgave our sin
He forgive that sin so we could win
Win eternal life and be with him
Shining with love, that is not dim
It hurts to be betrayed by family or friends
But you can always forgive and make amends
“Be nice to people on your way up
Because you may meet them on your way down”
Remember that prominent quote everyday
As it makes you a better person in every way
Saturday, 16 October 2010
I have so much time on my hands this week, so I decided to throw in another poem. Enjoy :D

Music is like a wave that controls the shore
Music is like a soft knock that opens a door
Music can influence the way you think
Sucking up information like a sink
Music can make you do things, you cannot control
Holding you tight, that you can’t let go
Music can be positive and sometimes negative
Music can play with your mind and make you think
Music can be deadly, influential at times
Consisting of those very delicate signs
The connotations of music is subliminal
However it erases the trait that are metaphysical
That trait of knowing who you personally are
The word that describes this is very bazaar
It’s important to deconstruct your music
As music can be very harsh and abusive
Be careful with the music you listen to
Because it could fallaciously control you

Music is like a wave that controls the shore
Music is like a soft knock that opens a door
Music can influence the way you think
Sucking up information like a sink
Music can make you do things, you cannot control
Holding you tight, that you can’t let go
Music can be positive and sometimes negative
Music can play with your mind and make you think
Music can be deadly, influential at times
Consisting of those very delicate signs
The connotations of music is subliminal
However it erases the trait that are metaphysical
That trait of knowing who you personally are
The word that describes this is very bazaar
It’s important to deconstruct your music
As music can be very harsh and abusive
Be careful with the music you listen to
Because it could fallaciously control you
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Why Can't I Find A Good Woman?
I decided to write this poem, speaking out to those men who complain that they can't find a good woman, when they haven't changed, decided to act mature or at least attempted to build a good future for themselves.
I was also inspired to write this poem after reading a blog post at http://www.christianarants.com/
Hope you like it :D

Why Can’t I find a good woman so he says?
One reason being, he won’t change his ways
The behavioural manner that disrespects
And not perfecting his dialect
Using slang regularly, and derogatory words
He doesn’t realise that it hurts
Playing around with her emotions
Portraying his sharp actions
He hasn’t understood the real meaning of worth
That realisation of worth brings a blessing
Like pure, fresh salad with that sweet, warm dressing
He categorises women all together
Forgetting that women are different from one another
He looks past all the long term values
And settles for quick, short term issues
The issue being, immediate pleasure
Not thinking about how to make his life better
No one is perfect so he will shout
Like a spoilt child giving a pout
Perfection is not the ultimate aim
Success should be that nickname
Always working hard and being the best he can be
And maybe that woman will finally see
See that change and take him seriously
It’s true, a good woman is hard to find
You’ll find her when you leave those bad habits behind
I was also inspired to write this poem after reading a blog post at http://www.christianarants.com/
Hope you like it :D

Why Can’t I find a good woman so he says?
One reason being, he won’t change his ways
The behavioural manner that disrespects
And not perfecting his dialect
Using slang regularly, and derogatory words
He doesn’t realise that it hurts
Playing around with her emotions
Portraying his sharp actions
He hasn’t understood the real meaning of worth
That realisation of worth brings a blessing
Like pure, fresh salad with that sweet, warm dressing
He categorises women all together
Forgetting that women are different from one another
He looks past all the long term values
And settles for quick, short term issues
The issue being, immediate pleasure
Not thinking about how to make his life better
No one is perfect so he will shout
Like a spoilt child giving a pout
Perfection is not the ultimate aim
Success should be that nickname
Always working hard and being the best he can be
And maybe that woman will finally see
See that change and take him seriously
It’s true, a good woman is hard to find
You’ll find her when you leave those bad habits behind
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Konichiwa Hater
I know its been while, but I'm back again after a short break. Here is another poem. This poem is just for people to relate with in terms of having that one person or few people who dislike you. I hope you like it :)

Konichiwa haters, is a quote you should say
To all those people, that want to play
Play upon your intelligence and talk behind your back
What they are maliciously doing is similar to crack
Addicted to a substance that is destined to destroy
Decreasing happiness of others, an example of a killjoy
They discriminate, they gossip, they criticise everything
However, all behind that hatred is cheap acting
The act of envy, they can’t stand your success
People like that, find it hard to progress
They spend time hating others for no reason
Their blood screams betrayal, like the fruit that was bitten
Bitten by Adam, but tricked by eve
Some find this very hard to believe
How can someone dislike you so much?
Like a disgraceful painting, that needs to be retouched
Well take no notice of those people I say
Because haters only go one way
That way is into a pit where no happiness lies
But you to a path that is healthy and wise
So when that person becomes a trouble maker
Just turn back and smile, saying Konichwa Hater
Adios ;)

Konichiwa haters, is a quote you should say
To all those people, that want to play
Play upon your intelligence and talk behind your back
What they are maliciously doing is similar to crack
Addicted to a substance that is destined to destroy
Decreasing happiness of others, an example of a killjoy
They discriminate, they gossip, they criticise everything
However, all behind that hatred is cheap acting
The act of envy, they can’t stand your success
People like that, find it hard to progress
They spend time hating others for no reason
Their blood screams betrayal, like the fruit that was bitten
Bitten by Adam, but tricked by eve
Some find this very hard to believe
How can someone dislike you so much?
Like a disgraceful painting, that needs to be retouched
Well take no notice of those people I say
Because haters only go one way
That way is into a pit where no happiness lies
But you to a path that is healthy and wise
So when that person becomes a trouble maker
Just turn back and smile, saying Konichwa Hater
Adios ;)
Wednesday, 8 September 2010

I know it's been a while, but I'm finally back and here to stay. Summer for me is officially over and I will be returning to University soon. Yay :D Its So funny that I'm delighted to go back, but give it 6 months, I will be so depressed due to all the work load. Education is so great :/
Here is another poem. Enjoy :)
Success is something everyone wants
Success can increase that level of daunts
Success is for the people who are strong
Success is similar to a never ending song
Success separates the wise from the foolish
Success is as delicate as a blemish
Success comes with a number of stages
Success must be built with bridges
Success cannot be accomplished without believing
Success can be accomplished with the trait of achieving
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Taking A Break

I feel so bad because I haven't blogged in a while. The reason is because I have been extremely busy trying to meet up with friends and family that I haven't seen in almost a year. I've been trying my best to make sure I spend time with my loved ones before I go back to work next week. I work with my university, at the recruitment office. In 2 weeks time I will also be helping out with clearing. *Deep sigh*. It sets my mind back to a year ago when I completed my A-levels and I anxiously awaited my results, as going through clearing or failure would depress me. (Don't worry, I passed) ;). My summer this year has been quite short but I'm glad it wasn't full of boredom. My mum has an incredible 12mp camera that takes wonderful pictures. Surprisingly she is trusting me with her camera this summer. *Big grin* :D
The camera has been my companion this summer as I have taken it everywhere, to remember the fun and special time I've shared with friends and family.
Before I disappear for a few weeks, here is a cute all black outfit I wore a few weeks ago. Thankfully it wasn't sunny that day, so the sun didn't have the advantage of roasting me :)
Blazer: Primark
Long Bodycon Top: Zara
Tights: M&S
Shoes: Stead & Simspson
I don't make promises because I beat my self up if I don't fulfil them, however I prefer to say "I will try". In this case, I will try my best to write another poem or give you a slight update about how I am doing as soon as possible. I'll be back soon.
Just like the Spanish say
Adios Amigos ;)
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Things I Want To Do By The End Of 2012

(I’m sure there are a lot of things I want to do as time passes however I can’t think of all of them from the top of my head. So when ever my brain decides to stop being a lazy bum (oops :|) I’ll add more things on to the list)
In no particular order:
1.Cut my hair into a bob
2.Learn how to drive and get a driving licence
3.Lose weight from a size 12 to 10
4.Die my hair light brown
5.Get a 1st class in my degree
6.Start up my own business
7.Buy my mum a car
8.Reduce the amount of chocolate I eat :D
9.Get a stable job
10.Learn how to save money :/
11.Go on holiday apart from Nigeria (where my parents are from) and a European country
To be continued...
Tuesday, 13 July 2010

This poem was written by a good friend of mine. The title of the poem does look a bit disturbing. Surprisingly I liked it when I read it *Cheeky Grin* :D So I thought I should share it with You.
Loves on me
Let’s have a Relations**t
Flush it down the drain
Watch it go down the pit
So outstanding even as I sit
I never should have gone with it
I probably should have quit
Before it genuinely started
But you never know how it feels
Until you’re broken hearted
Written By Koby Martin Asiamah
Wednesday, 7 July 2010

I know its been so long, however I have finally written another poem. This poem is about love. I hope you like it :D
Love is a feeling that rushes through your mind
Love is tenderly soft and obviously kind
Love makes you whole
Love leads you home
Love keeps you safe at night
Love guides you through the night
Love is so divine
Love makes you shine
Love at times can make you feel pain
Love at times can feel cool like rain
Loves fills you with warmth from head to toe
Love enters your soul and makes you glow
Love is your best friend, indirectly a lover
Love can be passed from one person to another
Love comes naturally
Love comes humbly
Love is not something that you can search for
Love cannot progress when there is a closed door
Love is important in life today
Love should be shown, That love is Agape
Monday, 28 June 2010
Its Been A While

Wow...Its been a while since I've blogged or written a poem. My exams are officially over and the level of boredom has decreased amazingly *Cheeky Grin*. I'm a very indecisive person so its taking me a long time to decide what I want to write my next poem on even though I have a lot of ides. However it shouldn't take to long now. I'm getting closer to picking a good topic. Waiting for my exams results is so nerve racking. The weather is looking ravishing day by day and I think its time to give my wardrobe a make over. Yaayy. Hmm... well with the help of mummy's plastic friend called Mrs Debit Card.
I don't know why but I'm obsessed with Zara. I just love their clothes. I think half of my wardrobe is from Zara :D

For the time being, here are 2 outfits that look cool.
Maxi Dress: I bought this dress for summer last year. I only wore it once for a wedding. I'm 5ft (I know very short) so it was very long for me. I decided to do an alteration on it. A number of people said it looked gorgeous. I don't think I'll be wearing maxi dresses this summer. I don't know why but now I think it makes me look even shorter. oh well... I liked it then but its still at the back of my wardrobe :/

Maxi Dress: Zara

Super Woman Blouse: Hmv
Cardigan: Zara
Belt: Primark
Tube Skirt: New Look
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Why Are We Ignorant?

While browsing through the internet, I came across a poem. This poem is not written by me, but after reading it,I found it slightly touching and inspirational. I wouldn't say I agree with certain points mentioned in this poem but I do feel it states the truth to do with the majority of black people based on stereotypes.
Why are we ignorant
To the things that we do
Like Black on Black crime
From the violence we brew
Why do we wear
Our pants hanging low
Like ghetto-ish bums
In a circus freak show
Why do we curse
And cuss like we do
And talk in Ebonics
Like the slaves use to do
Over four hundred years
Of shame and disgrace
We use the "N" word
Like no other race
Why do we leave
Our young ones alone
No family like structure
No house to call home
Why can't we prosper
Like Immigrants do
Who came here with nothing
And pave their way through
Why do we live
Such drug hungry lives
With gangsters and thugs
Packing guns and sharp knives
We seem to enjoy
Life on the streets
We work those slave jobs
Where pay is dirt-cheap
We live a life style
Of roach broken homes
Where trash and graffiti
And rats seem to roam
We don't get involve
In political laws
Nor do we vote out
Laws that have flaws
We're exploiting our music
With our sexual drive
Degrading our women
And destroying their lives
Our schools become jails
That we seem to fill
Like thieves in the night
We learn how to steal
So why can't we learn
Constructible skills
And walk the right path
To conquer all hills
Why can't we start
A new kind of trend
As Doctors and Scholars
And Builders of men
Why can't we sharpen
Our minds and technique
And show the whole world
That we are unique
Why can't we come
Together as one
So No one can say
That we were born dumb
Why can't we break
This bondage we keep
This hole that's been dug
So low and so deep
Why must we feel
It's been too many years
Wearing these chains
Of blood sweat and tears
And why can't we send
Our kids off to college and Uni
Its always been known
That strength comes from knowledge
We are destine to lose
This destruction of doom
The road of dead ends
These shadows of gloom
1 Prayer. To change
These things we do wrong
For it's tough being Black
And hard to stay strong
But Stick Together
Written Anonymously
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Ladies: Self Respect

A message to all my young ladies out there
Sometimes life can seem really unfair
That guy that proclaims he likes you
Could be there to make or break you
That guy that says you’re the one
Could make you feel pain, like being shot by a gun
That guy that says you’re his only pearl
Could be seeing another woman or girl
That guy that tells you the three words “I love you”
Could be living unfaithful and tell you things that are untrue
That guy that says he will always be there
Could cause you embarrassment, that make people stare
That guy that you feel you’re devoted to
Could increase that elongated queue
Self respect is the key
Because it brings out that inner beauty
That inner beauty that God truly sees
That should never be taken, mistreated or seized
Some men are only after one thing
I know you know, what I’m thinking
That one thing that interlinks to your body as a temple
Should be kept, and let no man tempt you
Build a strong relationship with The Lord
Failure to do so, a man can pierce the heart, like a sword
That same guy that was after one thing
In future, will realise your worth and see you shining
I repeat, Self respect is the key
It will keep you pure and free
Free from the hands of the wrong man
Be patient, don’t rush, there’s a greater plan
The plan that brings you to eternal life
And also blesses you with unlimited rife
Rife, meaning abundance with him
So your pure path doesn’t appear dim
Do not run after a man, even when you think he’s fine
He will be shown to you if you’re patient, in due time
Be proud to stand up and say “NO”
Don’t be tempted by that foolish man
Tell him you Trust no man but God
As he will bring you a wise man
Monday, 17 May 2010
My Hair Obsession

Before I beginning ranting on. I want to mention that this picture above is extreme but wonderfully beautiful. It's a work of art :D
I'm proud to say that my hair is 100% natural. I have decided that I will never perm it. The main reason is because I'm extremely frightened of my hair falling out :s. My hair is absolutely tough, my mum tells me this all the time and others do to. I guess I love my thick hair the way it is. I'm a bit of an old school person and my afro reminds me of old school hair when everyone was rocking and afro and it was the must have. Now everyone has ditched their afro and decided to drench it in chemicals (perm) and go for the straight look which I have to say is less hassle than afro hair. I may sound like a hypocrite but most of the time my hair is straight with the help of my good friend Miss Hair Straightener :). I think I've killed the life out of my good old friend. oops :S. Hehe. The reason why I've decided to straighten it is because I find my hair much more easier to maintain and I can experiment different hair styles. But an afro on the other hand lacks a number of hairstyles. It also hurts at times :((good sign of healthy hair i think).
I have been doing my own hair for the past 4 years now. I decided to start doing my own hair because I was tired of the hair styles my mum did. The huge plaits :s. I haven't been to the hairdressers in over 3 years which I think is quite impressive. Its not because I think I can do every style in the book, I just feel its unnecessary to waste money at the hairdressers when I can do my own hair. However I have to admit that I have had a few bad hair days...But who hasn't? :)
It takes me 1 hour every morning to straighten my hair. It takes me 2 hours if I have just washed it. Some people think I'm crazy because I spend so much time on my hair. Some also say that I could use that time to get an extra hour of sleep. I guess I do it because I love my hair and it slightly defines who I am. My hair is not too short and not too long. Its just right. My hair is like art to me. I love experimenting with it and trying new things. I Love My Hair.
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Why Do I Write Poems?

When I created this blog page. My main aim was to talk about life in general. However I have slightly drifted from my initial idea and decided that my blog page should focus mainly on my poems. From time to time I will post up a few things about life in general as I promised. This also includes my psychotic obsession with chocolate and my relationship with Oreos ;)*Muahahaha*.I've been writing poems for a very long time but I didn't really take it seriously due to laziness and immaturity. However I decided to start writing again as my mind, opinions and beliefs have changed and I can proudly say that I am a sensible and mature young lady. I've also been thinking of writing a long/short story. Well when I am officially dedicated to writing :/(which shows that laziness is still present in my life....well 40%). *Cheeky Grin* :D. The fact that I miss my family sticks on my mind like a stain. Being surrounded by these 4 walls (my room) makes me think about everything and anything. I don't think I have mastered how not to think about anything and just make my mind blank but writing poems is as far as I get to making my mind blank. Writing poems allows me to express how I feel in an artistic way, it also allows me to reflect. Funny enough, writing poems makes me feel very relaxed even though words and ideas are constantly floating in my mind. I hope my poems send out a message to others who read them. There will be many poems/proses to come. Maybe a story when my laziness has reduced to 20% :p
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Why Do Some People Fall In Faith?

It’s because some people are caught up
Caught up in this world where temptation lies
It’s because some people are full of deceit
Full of deceit that they dislike one another
It’s because some people are filled with rage
Filled with rage that it leads to hatred
It’s because some people are in love
In love with themselves, but don’t see the truth
It’s because some people are mislead
Mislead from that pure path above
It because some people don’t care
Don’t care about life they begin to lose hope
It’s because some people are influenced
Influenced by many, many who are wrong
It’s because some people don’t believe
Don’t believe in the future to be great
It’s because some people are not strong
Not strong to fight dirt off
It because some people listen
Listen to music, which brings in negativity
It’s because some people dress scandalously
Scandalously, that they become vulnerable
It’s because some people are so immature
Immature, that it leads to stabbings, shooting, then death
It because some people are greedy
Greedy that they commit crime
It’s because some people care
Care about what others think of them
It's because no one is perfect
Perfect that they can be error-less
Why do some people fall in faith?
It’s because some people don’t have him
Who is he?
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Jessica Cornish
Obstacles Of Christianity

Deciding to become a devoted Christian is hard at times
Its like throwing away something precious like a dime
That dime being the temptation of the world
This temptation holds us down just like a hurl
It strikes us vigorously, and blinds us from gold
That gold being God, our saviour our Lord
We make him unhappy, we disobey him
But in ultimate love he forgives the sin
The sin we commit that leads us astray
Leads us so far that our minds are away
Away from the truth that could lead us close
Close to our destiny that he has chose
This destiny before our birth, he has foreseen
Its like time that passes that we can’t redeem
Choosing to become a Christian, is your choice alone
But the truthfulness of God, you should not condone
This Christian walk needs determination, that’s the key
Holding your head up high, and walking very bravely
So you can walk to that eternal life, to his kingdom above
To be with alpha and omega, our Messiah, our God
Finding The Right Person

Being in a relationship can make you feel wanted
But sometimes the bad feelings can make it seem haunted
Some people may find it hard to realise, or even say
Some people prefer not to experience it, I must dismay
Don’t be fooled by the feeling of lust
Or else your heart can be crushed into dust
The person you say you love
Can be as pure as a dove
And the person you may hate
May be always in your face
Picking the right person can be an obstacle at times
But finding the right one, can make your heart shine
However, the meaning of love must always be there
So that God brings the right man/woman to instantly appear
Wait for Gods Time, His time is the best
And that person you find, you will never detest
Why Should I Try?

Why should I try if I don’t get anything back?
Why should I try if I get pushed off the tracks?
Why should I try if all they do is lie?
Why should I try if they make me want to cry?
Why should I try if they won’t wipe the slate clean?
Why should I try if they are intentionally mean?
Why should I try if they don’t understand me?
Why should I try if they don’t want to be free?
Why should I try if they don’t give me respect?
Why should I try if my path and theirs disconnect?
I will try because this walk is tough
I will try because I receive Gods love
I will try because God is my only hope
I will try because God can take me home
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Money Is The Root Of All Evil

Why is it that people cherish money so much?
It’s almost as strong as the feeling of lust
That strong feeling, that blinds us from real Gold
Which unravels money taking over our soul
We have become attached to this misleading world
As a result, we forget the true meaning of God’s word
Money is the root of all evil, so everyone says
However, we allow it to ruin our days
The days of happiness that is destined to come
Unfortunately, may not be instantly valuable to some
Do not be tempted by the luxuries of today
It’s the love of God that you should display
My Little Sister

She has been there since the early days
She makes me smile in so many ways
She makes a misty dark day seem bright
She is on my thoughts through the night
She brings out the inner beauty in me
She feels my soul with so much glee
She has erased that pain in my heart
That pain that pierced me like a dart
She’s like my vessel that contains a pod
She is a blessing, brought to me by God
She wipes that negative sadness away
I thank God for her life today
What is it?

Its good
Its bad
If its experienced prematurely, it can make God mad
It unites
It binds
It allows the heart to deconstruct and unwind
Its mature
Its fright
Its better to wait till the time is right
Its sacred
Its Scarce
Its something only married couples may share
Its Warm
Its Love
Just remember the Lord sees your actions up above
What is it...?

Why is it that the sky is blue?
Why is snow white when it falls?
Why is rain always transparent?
Why does the wind blow things away?
Why is the earth Round?
Why is the grass green?
Why do flowers have a scent?
Why is air not visible?
Why are some people tall?
Why are some people short?
Why are some people light?
Why are some people dark?
Why where we created?
Why we were we born?
Want to know the answer?
Well it’s because of God our Lord
Monday, 22 March 2010
What Is Friendship?
Friendship is love
Friendship is peace
Friendship is promised never to cease
Friendship is humble
Friendship is kind
Friendship will always run through your mind
Friendship is truth
Friendship is care
Friendship reminds you that you should be there
Friendship is big
Friendship is small
Friendship can sometimes ease your fall
Friendship is bitter
Friendship is cold
Friendship can be as bad as a mold
Friendship is rage
Friendship is fate
Friendship reminds you of the ones who are fake
Friendship is optional
Friendship is free
Friendship is what binds you and me
The End
Saturday, 20 March 2010

Since I've started university, I'm finding it hard to fall asleep before 12am. I know this is not good but my sleeping pattern has absolutely been messed up. Its 4:29 am and I still can't sleep, so I decided to write a poem about life.
Life is like a road, that will definitely end
The path is often rocky, and sometimes cannot bend
This destination may be a mysterious long journey
And at times can appear as a malleable hegemony
Meaning the dominance or leadership of one social group
Occasionally misleading as an elongated loop
Some people may slightly influence your thoughts
but do not allow yourself to be caught
In this unfair world where evil is lurking
It is important to be committed and hardworking
The aim is for this path to lead to the future
So that you do not become the ultimate looser
Your life must certainly be treated with care
leading to you being consciously aware
Opening your eyes to the Lord above
So your heart and soul can be filled with love
This rocky path is valuable and delicate
Like the smoothness and silkiness of sweet, warm chocolate
This road of life, leads to one place alone
That place is regarded to all Christians as home
The home that leads to eternal life
Where God will be your only drive
So be strong I say, on this very long journey
Because no one will be there to be your attorney
To save you from the judging of Christ
When the deed is done and you have been enticed
God is the truth and the path to follow
So do not end up in a ditch that is dark and hollow.
The End
Thursday, 18 March 2010
A Letter To The Number 1 Woman In Life: My Mum

This is a late mothers day letter to my Mum
Literal definition: A mother is a woman who has given birth to a child
My definition: A mother is a female who has carried a child in her womb, gives birth to a child. Someone who takes care of that child, treats them the right way, teaches them what is right or wrong, is always there when needed, always there to give the right advice.
Dear Mum,
I know you probably will not see this, but I just felt to write this letter to appreciate your wonderfulness.
First of all I want to thank God for choosing you to be my mother. Secondly I want to thank you.
Thank you for carrying me for 9 long months, even though I was a very big baby *Giggle*. I remember you said it hurt so much giving birth to me because I was such a chubby baby :D. Many women are blessed by God to have kids and many of these women make a big mistake by getting an abortion and try to alter the gift of God. I want to Thank you for making the right decision. I want to thank you for choosing to give birth to me. Thank you for teaching me from birth, what was right from wrong. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you most and when I just needed a shoulder to cry on. I don't know how you do it, but when something is bothering me or when I'm feeling down you can instantly tell, without me saying a word. Sometimes I feel as if you can read my mind at times. 'Not cool mum' *Giggle*, but I know its because of the strong bond we have. At times you know what I'm about to do before I've done it. Amazing :o
Your like my best-friend. I feel like I can tell you everything and anything. Your like a big sister and most of all your a great Mother. I'm 5ft and your 5ft2. Your like my little buddy seeing as we're both short. The bond we share is so strong. I love the little chats we have once in a while. It makes me feel safe and reminds me how much you care about me. Any woman can give birth, but it takes a real woman to be mother.
I remember when I was young and some friends would invite me out to parties and ask me to hang out with them at silly hours of the night. You said I couldn't go. Even if you did let me go, you would always tell me to be back home early or ask if there was any adult supervision. *Haha*. At the time I always got hugely upset and think you were being so unfair. However I know why you did that. You did it because You didn't want me to be on the streets, roaming about with the wrong people. You didn't want me to get pregnant at such a young age without completing my eductaion. You didn't want me to pick up bad habits and last of all because you care so much.
Hmm....Education. What a funny topic. I remember all the times when I did my exams and I got my results and passed but you would smile and say "what was the highest mark in the class?"....."Why couldn't you get that?"
I would go to my room and feel so rotten. To be honest it made me work harder. You made me realise that I have to work hard to excel in life. Whenever I got excellent results for exams, you would reward me. Thank you for making me work hard, because without you I don't think I would have passed my GCSE'S and A-LEVELS. Without you in my life I probably wouldn't be in university right now.
I seriously don't understand how you look so young and your going to be 50 this year. I don't know how you do it mum. At times when I think of you, its like I'm imagining you as SUPERWOMAN. You work full-time, you have time to take care of my siblings and I. You cook dinner for us almost everyday and you also manage to have a social life. Your so incredible mum. I know dad hasn't really been there for us or been the best father he could have been but Honestly I don't care what anyone says I see you as my mum and my dad. When dad wasn't around you filled in that empty gap by being the best mother in the world. Let me say, you play both roles very well ;)
Some girls would find it very annoying to go shopping with their mum or even spend a day with their mum. But with you its different. I love going shopping with you and not just because you pay for everything I want to buy ;) *Hehe*. I love the quality time we spend together at the spa.
Any time I ask for something you always give me and 1 day I promise I will make you proud. I promise to take care of you when I'm done with university. I promise to give you what ever you ask for, because you are worth everything. Your more precious than Gold or Diamonds. "I'd take a bullet for you" because I care about you so much.
Relationships....I know a lot of African mothers who would object to their children talking to them about relationships, but some how I feel I can talk to you about relationships and I know you won't go off the roof. You give me great advice and you always remind me that 'Someone who rushes into a relationship is a fool, but someone who waits for Gods time is wise'. You always remind me that 'A woman with self respect is 100% more valuable than a woman with none at all'. I thank you for this.
When you are very upset or when something bad has happened. e.g. a relative dying. I know you cry but you don't like me to see you cry, but I always know, and give you a big bear hug to make you feel a bit better and realise that I'm always here if you want to talk. Funny enough I remember you saying to me a while back:
That the only time you will cry is when I graduate from university, when I get married and when I have my first child". lol. *That means laugh out loud*. You can add that to your slang list ;) *hehe*
O gosh, I remember when my brother always tries to teach you new slang words. Its so funny when you attempt to make it sound dated, but then we all end up laughing. Sometimes you always ask us what certain slang words mean so that you can ease drop on conversations I have with my siblings. Mum your too funny. haha.
I don't think I will ever understand why you decided to give me 8 names which are also on my birth certificate. *Confused.com* However, every time when I'm in trouble you call me by my full name and you say it in a strong African accent. lol. I can just imagine you screaming it out now...."Mary Oluwabunmi Ewumi, come here now". I've upset you so many times, but every time you have forgiven me and you tell me how much you love me. I tend to hide my feelings most of the time and I know I don't tell you this often, but I LOVE YOU MUM.
Your the best.
Lots of love from your daughter
Monday, 15 March 2010

Why 'Le-Chocolat Diary'?
I found it extremely difficult trying to pick the right blog title. A number of people create a blog title instantly as it may be connected to behaviour, hobbies, prefrences, opinons etc. However I decided to Title my blog page 'Le-Chocolat Diary'.
I definitely know thoughts may be rushing through your head as to why I decided to pick this sort of title. Picking a blog title is not as important as picking a name for a first born child, however in my opinion, giving my blog a title is like a bundle of joy. *Giggle*.
'Le-Chocolat' : A French word. Meaning 'The Chocolate'. I don't think I know anyone who consumes as much chocolate as I do. The love between me and chocolate can never end. White, milk and dark chocolate is absolutely divine. The silkiness and smoothness of chocolate touching my tongue is delightful, creamy, silky, soothing and fluffy. *Deep sigh*. My skin colour also reminds me of chocolate as I am dark, hence the Blog title. I also added 'Diary' to the end, the reason being that I feel as if i'm writing a diary which is for my opinions alone.
One of the reasons why I decided to create a blog, is because I feel I have a bit of time on my hands which could be used for something useful, rather than Facebook or Twitter. Another reason is because I want to share my opinions about general issues about life.
One of the reasons why I decided to create a blog, is because I feel I have a bit of time on my hands which could be used for something useful, rather than Facebook or Twitter. Another reason is because I want to share my opinions about general issues about life.
There will be many more messages to come
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