Before I beginning ranting on. I want to mention that this picture above is extreme but wonderfully beautiful. It's a work of art :D
I'm proud to say that my hair is 100% natural. I have decided that I will never perm it. The main reason is because I'm extremely frightened of my hair falling out :s. My hair is absolutely tough, my mum tells me this all the time and others do to. I guess I love my thick hair the way it is. I'm a bit of an old school person and my afro reminds me of old school hair when everyone was rocking and afro and it was the must have. Now everyone has ditched their afro and decided to drench it in chemicals (perm) and go for the straight look which I have to say is less hassle than afro hair. I may sound like a hypocrite but most of the time my hair is straight with the help of my good friend Miss Hair Straightener :). I think I've killed the life out of my good old friend. oops :S. Hehe. The reason why I've decided to straighten it is because I find my hair much more easier to maintain and I can experiment different hair styles. But an afro on the other hand lacks a number of hairstyles. It also hurts at times :((good sign of healthy hair i think).
I have been doing my own hair for the past 4 years now. I decided to start doing my own hair because I was tired of the hair styles my mum did. The huge plaits :s. I haven't been to the hairdressers in over 3 years which I think is quite impressive. Its not because I think I can do every style in the book, I just feel its unnecessary to waste money at the hairdressers when I can do my own hair. However I have to admit that I have had a few bad hair days...But who hasn't? :)
It takes me 1 hour every morning to straighten my hair. It takes me 2 hours if I have just washed it. Some people think I'm crazy because I spend so much time on my hair. Some also say that I could use that time to get an extra hour of sleep. I guess I do it because I love my hair and it slightly defines who I am. My hair is not too short and not too long. Its just right. My hair is like art to me. I love experimenting with it and trying new things. I Love My Hair.
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