Deciding to become a devoted Christian is hard at times
Its like throwing away something precious like a dime
That dime being the temptation of the world
This temptation holds us down just like a hurl
It strikes us vigorously, and blinds us from gold
That gold being God, our saviour our Lord
We make him unhappy, we disobey him
But in ultimate love he forgives the sin
The sin we commit that leads us astray
Leads us so far that our minds are away
Away from the truth that could lead us close
Close to our destiny that he has chose
This destiny before our birth, he has foreseen
Its like time that passes that we can’t redeem
Choosing to become a Christian, is your choice alone
But the truthfulness of God, you should not condone
This Christian walk needs determination, that’s the key
Holding your head up high, and walking very bravely
So you can walk to that eternal life, to his kingdom above
To be with alpha and omega, our Messiah, our God
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