When I created this blog page. My main aim was to talk about life in general. However I have slightly drifted from my initial idea and decided that my blog page should focus mainly on my poems. From time to time I will post up a few things about life in general as I promised. This also includes my psychotic obsession with chocolate and my relationship with Oreos ;)*Muahahaha*.I've been writing poems for a very long time but I didn't really take it seriously due to laziness and immaturity. However I decided to start writing again as my mind, opinions and beliefs have changed and I can proudly say that I am a sensible and mature young lady. I've also been thinking of writing a long/short story. Well when I am officially dedicated to writing :/(which shows that laziness is still present in my life....well 40%). *Cheeky Grin* :D. The fact that I miss my family sticks on my mind like a stain. Being surrounded by these 4 walls (my room) makes me think about everything and anything. I don't think I have mastered how not to think about anything and just make my mind blank but writing poems is as far as I get to making my mind blank. Writing poems allows me to express how I feel in an artistic way, it also allows me to reflect. Funny enough, writing poems makes me feel very relaxed even though words and ideas are constantly floating in my mind. I hope my poems send out a message to others who read them. There will be many poems/proses to come. Maybe a story when my laziness has reduced to 20% :p
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