This is a late mothers day letter to my Mum
Literal definition: A mother is a woman who has given birth to a child
My definition: A mother is a female who has carried a child in her womb, gives birth to a child. Someone who takes care of that child, treats them the right way, teaches them what is right or wrong, is always there when needed, always there to give the right advice.
Dear Mum,
I know you probably will not see this, but I just felt to write this letter to appreciate your wonderfulness.
First of all I want to thank God for choosing you to be my mother. Secondly I want to thank you.
Thank you for carrying me for 9 long months, even though I was a very big baby *Giggle*. I remember you said it hurt so much giving birth to me because I was such a chubby baby :D. Many women are blessed by God to have kids and many of these women make a big mistake by getting an abortion and try to alter the gift of God. I want to Thank you for making the right decision. I want to thank you for choosing to give birth to me. Thank you for teaching me from birth, what was right from wrong. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you most and when I just needed a shoulder to cry on. I don't know how you do it, but when something is bothering me or when I'm feeling down you can instantly tell, without me saying a word. Sometimes I feel as if you can read my mind at times. 'Not cool mum' *Giggle*, but I know its because of the strong bond we have. At times you know what I'm about to do before I've done it. Amazing :o
Your like my best-friend. I feel like I can tell you everything and anything. Your like a big sister and most of all your a great Mother. I'm 5ft and your 5ft2. Your like my little buddy seeing as we're both short. The bond we share is so strong. I love the little chats we have once in a while. It makes me feel safe and reminds me how much you care about me. Any woman can give birth, but it takes a real woman to be mother.
I remember when I was young and some friends would invite me out to parties and ask me to hang out with them at silly hours of the night. You said I couldn't go. Even if you did let me go, you would always tell me to be back home early or ask if there was any adult supervision. *Haha*. At the time I always got hugely upset and think you were being so unfair. However I know why you did that. You did it because You didn't want me to be on the streets, roaming about with the wrong people. You didn't want me to get pregnant at such a young age without completing my eductaion. You didn't want me to pick up bad habits and last of all because you care so much.
Hmm....Education. What a funny topic. I remember all the times when I did my exams and I got my results and passed but you would smile and say "what was the highest mark in the class?"....."Why couldn't you get that?"
I would go to my room and feel so rotten. To be honest it made me work harder. You made me realise that I have to work hard to excel in life. Whenever I got excellent results for exams, you would reward me. Thank you for making me work hard, because without you I don't think I would have passed my GCSE'S and A-LEVELS. Without you in my life I probably wouldn't be in university right now.
I seriously don't understand how you look so young and your going to be 50 this year. I don't know how you do it mum. At times when I think of you, its like I'm imagining you as SUPERWOMAN. You work full-time, you have time to take care of my siblings and I. You cook dinner for us almost everyday and you also manage to have a social life. Your so incredible mum. I know dad hasn't really been there for us or been the best father he could have been but Honestly I don't care what anyone says I see you as my mum and my dad. When dad wasn't around you filled in that empty gap by being the best mother in the world. Let me say, you play both roles very well ;)
Some girls would find it very annoying to go shopping with their mum or even spend a day with their mum. But with you its different. I love going shopping with you and not just because you pay for everything I want to buy ;) *Hehe*. I love the quality time we spend together at the spa.
Any time I ask for something you always give me and 1 day I promise I will make you proud. I promise to take care of you when I'm done with university. I promise to give you what ever you ask for, because you are worth everything. Your more precious than Gold or Diamonds. "I'd take a bullet for you" because I care about you so much.
Relationships....I know a lot of African mothers who would object to their children talking to them about relationships, but some how I feel I can talk to you about relationships and I know you won't go off the roof. You give me great advice and you always remind me that 'Someone who rushes into a relationship is a fool, but someone who waits for Gods time is wise'. You always remind me that 'A woman with self respect is 100% more valuable than a woman with none at all'. I thank you for this.
When you are very upset or when something bad has happened. e.g. a relative dying. I know you cry but you don't like me to see you cry, but I always know, and give you a big bear hug to make you feel a bit better and realise that I'm always here if you want to talk. Funny enough I remember you saying to me a while back:
That the only time you will cry is when I graduate from university, when I get married and when I have my first child". lol. *That means laugh out loud*. You can add that to your slang list ;) *hehe*
O gosh, I remember when my brother always tries to teach you new slang words. Its so funny when you attempt to make it sound dated, but then we all end up laughing. Sometimes you always ask us what certain slang words mean so that you can ease drop on conversations I have with my siblings. Mum your too funny. haha.
I don't think I will ever understand why you decided to give me 8 names which are also on my birth certificate. *Confused.com* However, every time when I'm in trouble you call me by my full name and you say it in a strong African accent. lol. I can just imagine you screaming it out now...."Mary Oluwabunmi Ewumi, come here now". I've upset you so many times, but every time you have forgiven me and you tell me how much you love me. I tend to hide my feelings most of the time and I know I don't tell you this often, but I LOVE YOU MUM.
Your the best.
Lots of love from your daughter
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