A message to all my young ladies out there
Sometimes life can seem really unfair
That guy that proclaims he likes you
Could be there to make or break you
That guy that says you’re the one
Could make you feel pain, like being shot by a gun
That guy that says you’re his only pearl
Could be seeing another woman or girl
That guy that tells you the three words “I love you”
Could be living unfaithful and tell you things that are untrue
That guy that says he will always be there
Could cause you embarrassment, that make people stare
That guy that you feel you’re devoted to
Could increase that elongated queue
Self respect is the key
Because it brings out that inner beauty
That inner beauty that God truly sees
That should never be taken, mistreated or seized
Some men are only after one thing
I know you know, what I’m thinking
That one thing that interlinks to your body as a temple
Should be kept, and let no man tempt you
Build a strong relationship with The Lord
Failure to do so, a man can pierce the heart, like a sword
That same guy that was after one thing
In future, will realise your worth and see you shining
I repeat, Self respect is the key
It will keep you pure and free
Free from the hands of the wrong man
Be patient, don’t rush, there’s a greater plan
The plan that brings you to eternal life
And also blesses you with unlimited rife
Rife, meaning abundance with him
So your pure path doesn’t appear dim
Do not run after a man, even when you think he’s fine
He will be shown to you if you’re patient, in due time
Be proud to stand up and say “NO”
Don’t be tempted by that foolish man
Tell him you Trust no man but God
As he will bring you a wise man