Saturday, 7 May 2011

No Time

There’s no time to regret alacrity in the past
Even when it seems life is prematurely transposing fast

There’s no time to rewind the hands of the clock
No matter how tight those chains are locked

There’s no time to make abominable things seem right
Even when that dark day seems bright

There’s no time to try and replicate perfection
Even when you have no initial intentions

There’s no time to wish life was small and compact
Think of life as an abstract

Where strength, hope and love leads you there
With God always close and near

Saturday, 5 March 2011

My Favourite...

I haven't Written a poem in a while, due to to being buried by coursework, constant exams and other roles. I'm almost done with a new poem. The title is 'No Time', so look out for that very soon. For now you can take a look at a pair of my favourite trainers :D


Saturday, 1 January 2011


My first poem of 2011. I'm not as excited with it as I normally am with other poems. I'm hoping wonderful poems will follow. Enjoy :)

1 = For the new start that has begun

2= For the life that has to stay true

3= For that prize, just like a trophy

4= For that battle in life, similar to war

5= For God that keeps us alive

6= For the foundation built by bricks

7= For the home called heaven

8= For the path that leads to a gate

9= For the message, almost a sign

10= For that last stage called the End

Don't Wait Till 2011...

I wrote this poem on the 31st of December 2010, but didnt have time to post it on time because I had to rush of to church.

Don’t wait till 2011 to give your life to Christ
No matter how much you may get enticed

Don’t wait till 2011 to change for the better
Regardless of how much your heart screams out anger

Don’t wait till 2011 to tell that person you love them
Love must start as a foundation, like a flower with a stem

Don’t wait till 2011 to appreciate that special person
The best way to show this is by your action

Don’t wait till 2011 to be your self
De-construct that barrier, and reveal that shelf

Don’t wait till 2011 to cut of those fake friends
Those friends that blatantly pretend

Don’t wait till 2011 to become a better person
Make a change NOW, before its too late