I decided to write this poem, speaking out to those men who complain that they can't find a good woman, when they haven't changed, decided to act mature or at least attempted to build a good future for themselves.
I was also inspired to write this poem after reading a blog post at http://www.christianarants.com/
Hope you like it :D

Why Can’t I find a good woman so he says?
One reason being, he won’t change his ways
The behavioural manner that disrespects
And not perfecting his dialect
Using slang regularly, and derogatory words
He doesn’t realise that it hurts
Playing around with her emotions
Portraying his sharp actions
He hasn’t understood the real meaning of worth
That realisation of worth brings a blessing
Like pure, fresh salad with that sweet, warm dressing
He categorises women all together
Forgetting that women are different from one another
He looks past all the long term values
And settles for quick, short term issues
The issue being, immediate pleasure
Not thinking about how to make his life better
No one is perfect so he will shout
Like a spoilt child giving a pout
Perfection is not the ultimate aim
Success should be that nickname
Always working hard and being the best he can be
And maybe that woman will finally see
See that change and take him seriously
It’s true, a good woman is hard to find
You’ll find her when you leave those bad habits behind